Peters place

Home Page
My Fords -
Past and present

Some other cars that ive had
Some cars that ive not yet had
My Macintoshes - Past and present
My old calculator

Hi all

My name is Peter Widelund and I live in a suburb of Stockholm in Sweden called Vällingby. I am working at a computing company called SAAB. My main interests here in life are old Fords, mainly british ones, Music and Computers. When it comes to these old lovely Fords You can click on the links to the left to see some info and pictures of them.

When it comes to music I am sad to say that I play almost exclusively my stereo and it seems to exist homepages for a lot of bands but no page for Landslaget, an old Swedish pop group of the 70's, so I have made one. It is however in Swedish so if You do not read Swedish the page probably won't tell you very much if you can't read swedish that is!.

Hey why not drop me a line at

These pages are

Date Last Modified: 2020-12-13