Hello and welcome
to a page devoted to my computers past and present
The first computer that i got was in my younger days and it was an ABC80 from Luxor i believe. This computer was then sold a short while after, maybe a year or so and then my existence was computer free until I started my career at the university and then I got my Macintosh SE/30 and this was in 1990 or was it in 89 hmm can't remeber really. I still have this one and it resides in my summer house where it's not really used very much but it has a stylwriter connected to it and an accescory cd-rom so its not wasted and of course it has a copy of strategic conquest for rainy days :-) I used it during my whole studying time at the universuty and it produced a lot of documents during this time! During this time I got my first modem and I got connected.
When I started my work at Ericsson I had the opportunity to buy a newer machine and the choise fell on a Performa 630 and at the time it really felt like a boost with its faster CPU and 15" colour screen compared to the Black and white 9" screen on the SE/30. This computer followed me trough my Ericsson years and is still in operation. However mainly as a printer server. This machine almost never chrashes and i really like it! Did you know that you can watch TV on it :-) During this time a scanner, cd-burner, zip-drive and an oki printer was added. The oki printer replaced my old stylewriter! I also became an owner of a Macintosh SE wich lives its days at my broders place. I also got a duodock 230 machine that I playd with but since it didn't have any docking device it was no fun and a friend of mine got it. I also got myself an LC witch i swapped motherbord on so it became an LC475 and that one is now staying at moms place!
Then there was a time for career change and the first PowerMac was introduced in my world. It was a 6100/66 with a dos card having a 66Mhz 486 dx2! At least I had a PowerMac. But hey whats this. It showed to be no faster than my Performa. Peculiar. With double the clock frequency and risc processor and still my old 630 outperformed this thing hmm. It was also the first mac that I had com in to contact with that had a SCSI system almost as sensitive as that of a PZ?? This machine wasn't really healthy i think. It did a year in my service and now resides in a closet! During this time the 630 got its hard drive expanded from 350Mb to 8Gb and the new disk was faster as well! During my first weeks at my nedw work some old computers where about to be discarded and here I got a Quadra650, Quadra700 and a PowerBook 150. The Q700 is still arund but it's a strange machine and it can perhaps donate its processor to the 630. Just a tought but I haven't tried it! The PowerBook and the Quadra650 I gave to friends, enriching them with Macs :-)
The somewhat strange 6100 became replaced by a G4/400 which now is the machine I use. However not as stable as my old Performa 630 but definitively a few times faster. The surrounding equipment now has expanded to an external 1GB JAZ and a DAT player. I also have got a faster connection the the world and the modem is seldom used nowadays. The most recent machine added to the collection is a 7300/200 and it's a nice machine! Slower than my G4 but hey it's a mac!!
And what do you know! Just got me two more Performa630:s One of them has en extra screen output and one is a newer version with two memoryslots! Not bad with three 630:s. But now there only resides one on them. I have scrapped two and kept som parts for spare. I overclocked the on I have left so it is running at staggering 40Mhz.
I also have had a Compaq 486 but that one i joyfully dismembered and scrapped
I got myself an old G3 which i have been using as a server and a downloadmachine that runs around the clock, too bad that azureus is not he most stable application though. I have later become an owner of a HP laptop, nx7400. i's a nice meachin but huh it runs with XP. I have hovewer found some informatuon on the issue of installing a real operative system on it, Well we'll se how that becomes that is if I get the time to to it.
And the nost modern addition to the collection of computors is a brand new iMac 24" from 2008 which in essens means that the G4 will get a pension at nine years of age. Now thats nice, it has been working nicely all the time, the G4 started its life with MacOS9 and now when retiering it runs 10.4.9, still going strong however i little lazy at times. I hope my new iMac will provide me with nine mor troublefree years of computing.
My G3 is no more since the power unit went bust and i didn't find it worth it to repair it. Instead a G4 MDD FW800 1.25Ghz X 2 found it's way into my collection. With it a fine 17" MacTFT-Screen. So that I can run my OS9 stuff and just for fun!
And so in the summer of 2009 a nice little Mac Mini made it's entrance among my collection of macs.
So in late 2010 i bought myself a broken G4 MDD 1Ghz that came along with an Apple Cineman Dislpay 22" ADC screen. An addition to the fleet of macs, sort of just for fun, the computer had a broken PSU
In the beginning of 2011 i boyght myself a G4 MDD 867MhzX2 so i have amachine to start up in Mac OS9 without using the classic mode
In the summer of 2011 i got hold of a G4 MDD 1.42Ghz, the fastes G4 produced and for 50:- it was a bargain.
A tip to prolongue the life of your G4 MDD may be in hand. If you turn off the computer then also break the power to it since otherwise the PSU is engaged and since the fans for the PSU is turned off the PSU gets rather hot when in stand by which affects the lifespan of it.
So in 2015 I gave new life to the iMac 24" from 2007 with a new SSD drive and expanded memory from 4Gb to 6Gb. This changed the start time for the computer from almost 2 minutes to under 30 seconds, so the Imac will live as the main computer for a little longer. I also got a MacBook Pro from mid 2010 so maybe i have a working laptop again since my nx7400 no longer is a laptop but a stationary computer since the screen was broken and it is now connected to a docking station and an external screen. So with an ssd disk and some more memory the macboo pro is up and running.
2016 and the nx7400 is no more and i bought a moderboard (GigaByte ga-f2a88xn-wifi) an Anteck ISK-310 mini itx chassie and an ssd-drive an 16Gb of memory and a philps screen and installed it first with windows7 but changed it after a short while to Ubuntu 16.04LTS. I also exchanged my G4 MDD 1.25 for a printerserver from work. Six core i7-3930K 3.2Ghz with multi treading on a ASUS P9X79_WS motherboard and one ssd-drive and four 1GB HD:s. A lot of punch and a lot of storage.
2017 A new arrival, the new Imac27" iMac so my imac24" from 2007 is finally pensioned
A few weeks later 32GB extra RAM arrived with an external Thunderbolt 3 Drive with 6TB disk in it. Making it easier to access my old FW800 and GW400 disks and 40GB of RAM is not too bad in the iMac.
2021 So finally an update. Both MDD's are now sold and also the two cinema displays have been sold. The PowerBook Pro from 2010 has been updated with Catalina thanks to dosbuddy1
In 2022 a PowerBook Pro from 2015 was bought in from refurbed and is going to be used on travels
Well thats it folks!
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