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This page is devoted to the Ford 17/20M of the year 1968 often reffered to as the P7:a or the P7:1 since the car is mainly the same as it's succeding model, the P7:b or P7:2, apart from the design.The model was produced for only some eight (8) months and was redesigned due to a catastrophical drop in sales caused by it's as many seemed to have thought in those days much to american style. The cars where powered by several engines, all V-engines from 1.5 litre up to 2.3 litre( 1500cc, 1700cc 75bhp, 2000cc 90 bhp & 2300cc 108bhp (RS 125bhp)). The 1500cc model was not sold in Sweden. The different models where the 17M, 17MRS, 20M, 20MTS & 20MRS.These models could be obtained in 2 door & 4 door sedan, 3 door & 5 door estate and a 2 door coupe model. Here follows a collection of pictures of the different models. I will add some more pitures to this page when i find some, but for now this will have to do.

First of all we have the base model, the 17m and its luxurious brother the 20m

They did as stated above also come i 4-door version

And of course an estate version or as they where called, the Turnier. And thats what I've got. Take a look? I have started the renovation of the Turnier inorder to get in driving condidtion again.

Least but not smallest, the beautiful coupé. Maybe I'll own one of those one day

Thats it for now.

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