to my
The Cortina MKII was intriduced in 1966 and replaced the MKI model that had been introduced in 1962. The MKII used the sdame floor pan as its predecessor , nut more interior room was given by the use of curved side windows. With the MKII the use of engines with three bearing engines was halted. The 1200cc engine from the MKI wwas replaced by a five bearing 1300cc engine in 1967. However this engine only survied for one year when it was replaced by the crossflow engines. The engines at introduction was 1300cc and 1500cc and when the crossflow engines was introduced the 1500cc engine was replaced by a 1600cc engine. All models but the estate and Lotus versions where launched in late 1966. For an Estate You had to wait until February 1967 and the MKII Lotus version did not enter the market until march 1968. The Lotus was now being built at Fords factory in Dagenham alongside the other Cortinas and no longer by Lotus.
The production figures for the Cortina MKII exeeded one million cars
The Cortina MKII deluxe In late 1966 the MKII Cortina was introduced, here represented by a four door deluxe |
Estate version of the Cortina MKII In February 1967 the Estate version was launched and here represented by an unusual version, the GT Estate. There where over 90.000 MKII Estates produced between February 1967 to September 1970 |
Cortina MKII GT The GT:s where equipped with the 1500cc, 78hp engine of its predecessor in 1967 but got the 1600cc Crossflow engine in september 1967. There where over 100.000 Cortina GT:s produced |
1600 Executive In 1968 the 1600E was introduced having the suspension of the Lotus, the GT engine and a special interior incliding wooden panels. On the outside Chromed wheels, extra driving lamps, reversing lights, black painted grille and black paint between the rear ligts could be spotted. This was a very popular model but it recieved no replacement in 1970 when the model was dropped after over 60.000 being built And now I have bought on again! This time gold metal instead of the old red one :-) |
Lotus Cortina or the Twin Cam Cortina In 1968 came at last the MKII Lotus
Cortina which after a while was named Cortina Twin Cam and
not Lotus. The colouring was no longer necceceraly white and
green anymore even if this example has the "Lotus" colours.
The Lotus Cortina didn't see a replacement in 1970 either.
Around 4.000 Lotus Cortinas where built.
Savage Leif Uhren and his company transformed in
the beginning GT Cortinas and late 1600E:s into 3-litre
beasts. These Cortinas where badged Savage and the "C" in
the grille was replaced by an S. Crayford also made conversions such as